Questions & Answers

Some common questions we get about Home Base

  • General Information

    1. What is Home Base and how does it work?

    Home Base is a group of investors and real estate professionals who have banded together to give back to their communities on almost every real estate transaction. While we are in the business of making returns on our investments, we believe that we can do so while helping home owners regain solid financial footing and possibly even profit from the future sale of their home.

    2. What's in it for me?

    Fast transactions if you sell your house to us

    No additional fees - We cover all inspection, appraisal and closing costs

    Profit from the post-renovation sale - When sold, you get paid a percentage of the profit we make on your house

    3. Can I change my mind?

    By all means! Once you have committed to sell to us, until we seal the deal, you are free to back out at any time. You may have to cover costs incurred due to inspections, assessments, etc. before the time of your cancellation.

  • How do I start?

    1. Contact us for assistance
    1. Go to our contact form and submit your information.

    2. A team member will contact you within 24-48 hours of your sumission.

    3. After communication has been established, we evaluate your indiviual situation to determine the best and fastest course of action to bring you relief.

    4. We assess your property and put an offer (and potential renovation plans) in your hands. Note: We consider properties in ANY condition!

      mention various options / strategies / creative
    2. What happens if I sell to you?
    1. We close FAST! You get paid sooner than you would in a traditional Real Estate transaction.

    2. If you choose to leave your property as-is, we sell furniture, trash, etc.

    3. If rennovations are needed to modernize your property to a current or

    4. We assess your property and put an offer (and potential renovation plans) in your hands.

  • Purchase and Sale

    1. How long do you take to close?

    If all goes well and we come to an agreement quickly, we typically can close within seven [7] days.

    2. How much does your service cost?

    You pay ZERO costs or fees!

    Unless you decide [after we have performed an assessment of your property] that you no longer wish to proceed with a sale to us, you are under no obligation to continue working with us. All we ask is that you communicate your desire to terminate the relationship in writing or via email.

    3. If you sell my home, do I get more money?
    • Yes. If after purchasing your house and renovating it we sell it for a net profit within the negotiated timeframe [typically 12 months], you will receive a commission check for the percentage of the net profit you agreed to at the time you contracted with us.

    • Is this for real? Yes. One of our goals is to give back in a meaningful way so, if we win, you should also win!

  • Policy, Safety & Copyright

    1. Protecting your identity

    Identity thieves are constantly looking for new ways to obtain personal and financial information such as credit card or Social Security numbers. We make it a point of duty not to store any of your personal or financial information on any unsecured digital assets.

    We never share your information with third parties and will always communicate with you directly. Beyond seeking to help you gain financially, your safety is our responsibility.

Have any questions? Get in Touch