We provide creative solutions to shorten your real estate sale time

As dedicated home-buyers and investors, our relationship is more than just transactional; it's a partnership built on trust and mutual benefit. When you choose to sell your home to us, you'll experience a seamless process with no middlemen, no hidden fees, and no unnecessary delays. Our proven track record of closing deals quickly and efficiently, ensuring that our clients receive all proceeds promptly, demonstrates our committment to preserving the value of your home and ensuring a smooth transition.

Whether your property needs repairs or renovations, we have the resources and expertise to handle it all. By working directly with Home Base, you can take advantage of a fair, hassle-free sale that puts you in control of your timeline and financial future. Let's embark on this journey together, where your needs and goals are our top priority. Oh! Did we say you could also be a partner in the future sale of your home? Ask a team member how to sell your home.


Local Knowledge, Global Reach: We're dont just buy homes...we have a global network of investors and buyers who are ready to invest in your property.

Mission and impact

At Home Base, our mission is clear and unwavering: we exist to empower individuals by enabling them to manouver quickly with real estate assets. We firmly believe that every property owner should have the opportunity to unlock the full potential of their real estate investments, whether it's selling a property for maximum value, making strategic investments, or optimizing the management of their real estate portfolio.

Over the years, we've had the privilege of making a positive impact on countless individuals and families within our community. Looking ahead, with our creative, tailored solutions and cost savings, we aim to continue to serve and improve in the following areas:

  • Financial Empowerment

  • Maximized Returns

  • Stress Reduction

We deliver results

Swift and Hassle-Free Transactions: We understand that time is of the essence. That's why we've perfected a streamlined buying process that gets you cash for your home quickly. No waiting around for months on end.

Flexibility and Convenience: Life can be unpredictable, and we're here to accommodate your timeline. Whether you need to close quickly or require a more extended closing period, we work on your schedule.

Our team of real estate professionals is here to answer your questions, address your concerns, and guide you every step of the way. As your trusted advisor, we take pride in being the go-to solution for homeowners looking to sell quickly, efficiently, and profitably. Don't settle for less. Experience the difference with one of the best home buyer groups in town. Contact us today, and let us help you get started on the next chapter of your life.

We make you more by selling your home later

Participate in the additional upside if we renovate and sell your home.

Strategic Property Selection

We close fast but, if your property has strong potential for appreciation, it only helps that we have the necessary resources to make quick work of cosmetic issues or minor repairs rather and even extensive structural problems.

Efficient Renovation Plan

Over the years we have developed a well-thought-out renovation plan that focuses on high-impact improvements. With emphasis on beautifully architected cosmetic upgrades, such as kitchen and bathroom renovations, and other such curb appeal enhancements, we make properties highly appealing for all classes of buyer

Skilled & Reliable Contractors

Our network of skilled and dependable contractors complete renovations efficiently and on schedule. Effective project management is crucial to minimize downtime and ensure quality work

Effective Marketing Strategy

When selling, we implement a targeted marketing strategy with professional photography, virtual tours, and online listings to showcase the property's best features. You can even participate in the proceeds from the future sale of your home if you sell to us.

Competitive Pricing

When selling, we price homes based on a thorough analysis of comparable properties in the area (comps). Our market making experience helps us price properties right from the beginning. This in turn leads to significantly shorter times to sale once properties are listed

Prompt Listing

Once the green light is given by the project manager running the build out or renovation of your home, the property is listed. Even though we move quickly, some 32% of our properties are purchased before they can make it to market! This means faster profits for you.

Why Choose Us

Knowledge, Network, Skills & Hard Work

Market knowledge is essential for an home buyer or investor to be able to accurately price properties and provide clients with realistic expectations when buying or selling.

Your road to success!

Your goals are our top priority. So, with your interests at heart, we offer strategic advice and make informed recommendations and are dedicated to achieving the best outcomes in any real estate transaction for you.

Strategies That Work

Right strategies & implementations

We strive for executional excellence. Understanding the ecosystem is critical to knowing when and how to trade. Fortunately for our clients, our position in the local real estate ecosystem as both buyers and sellers gives us invaluable insight into market trends. Our proven approach continues to serve our clients (you), us and our partners well.

Our team has worked hard to create a culture of enthusiasm, innovation, and proactive problem-solving. We hope that you will find our cohesive and motivated group surpasses your expectations when serving your real estate and home selling needs.

One-Stop Solution

Data-driven digital real estate marketing

  • Data-driven marketing allows us as real estate professionals to track the performance of marketing campaigns rigorously. By analyzing metrics like conversion rates, click-through rates, and return on investment (ROI) for hundreds of properties, we have become adept at effective and efficient resource allocation and can adjust strategies with more predictable outcomes.

  • Our data-backed insights, have helped our clients make informed decisions in a dynamic real estate landscape.
